July, 5

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July 5 is the 186th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar (187th if leap year). It 179 days before the end of the year.


There is no celebration for this day!


Birth of the first cloned sheep : Dolly

(July, 5 1996)
This is the first cloned mammal. Dolly (5 July 1996 to 14 February 2003)

Independence of Algeria

(July, 5 1962)
After 132 years of French colonization, Algeria regained its independence.

Suffragist demonstration in Paris

(July, 5 1914)
First and only big demonstration in Paris suffragist. It brings only 6,000 people.


There is no saying for this day!


Sign of the Zodiac: 14th day of the astrological sign of Cancer.